Monday, March 25, 2013

April Fools! (freebie)

April fool's jokes really aren't my thing, but I've been doing one in my classroom since I started teaching 19 years ago.  (My cooperating teacher shared it with me when I was a student teacher.)   

Below is an old report card that my district hasn't used in ages and ages.  It looks nothing like the one we currently have, which is a good thing, considering that it's so poorly written and is part of our April fools joke.  I've added some grades and made some comments.  They're not altogether complimentary as you can see.  

When there's school on April 1st, each kid gets to take one home.  First, I make sure to adequately demonstrate how to pull this off.  Presentation is key.  The pouty face, the slumped shoulders, the hanging get the idea.  I also make sure they let their parents off the hook in a timely fashion.  "April fools!"

If you'd like a copy, click on the picture.  I do think it's best that it looks nothing like the one parents are used to.  It's more easily identifiable as a joke that way.  I don't see why this couldn't be used for other grade levels too.  

My parents get a kick out of this, but of course you know your clientele and don't want to be offensive in any way, so use caution when necessary.  

Freebie Fridays

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  1. Replies
    1. Tamra and Sarah, the kids do think they're pretty sneaky! :)

  2. Love this idea!! Thanks for sharing a copy!!
    Connie Anderson:)

  3. This is so fun! I can just see your little first graders trying to trick their parents. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. Lori, they think they're so very funny and clever!

  4. I like the idea of helping the kids pull off a clever and harmless April Fools joke because they get such a kick out of it. My kiddos LOVED offering "Mrs. Goff's Brown E's" to the staff at our school.

  5. Tammy, I couldn't stop giggling when I was reading the comments. My favorite is ATE Science Experiment! At first I thought you were pulling a joke on the kids!! I was thinking...mmmm...then it clicked that the kids do the joke on the parents I LOVE THIS!!!! My class will go crazy! LOL Melissa

    1. Melissa, I'm glad you enjoy this, and I hope the kids love it as much as you think they will!

  6. It's too bad the local news station sends out mass text messages to parents letting them know when report cards are coming home- and that we don't have school on April 1st, because this is hilarious! My favorite comment was the one about calling the police... or eating the science experiment! Too funny! I will definitely save this one for next year! :-)

    Blooming In First

    1. Erica, I hope you and your kids enjoy it next year!

  7. I was SO going to do this - and then realized we don't have school on Monday! I had even planned out what I wanted the kids to tell their parents. Ah, man!

    1. Sara, bummer about no school, but on the other hand, enjoy your day off!
