If you are reading this and have your own blog, then consider yourself personally invited to join me for a Saturday Sayings or two or three or more in the next however many months starting this coming Saturday. Last year some wonderful bloggers linked up with me for some Saturday Sayings, and I actually looked forward to waking up on Saturday mornings to read their thoughts and to send others to read them too. Now I find myself longing for some company like that once again. It's really rather simple. Here's all you need to do:
- Leave a comment below if you're interested. Include the Saturday(s) that you'd like to post. Sign up for as many as you'd like. I promise I won't think you're greedy.
- Choose a quote.
- Write a little something about it.
- Borrow my Saturday Sayings graphic.
- Link to me. (I'll link back of course.)
- Post it on the morning of the Saturday you choose. (I'll be sure to send out a reminder email beforehand.)
(If you don't know what Saturday Sayings are, click on the graphic to find out.)
I'm totally serious about wanting your company. Even if you've never commented on or read one of my Saturday Sayings, it would completely make my day if you joined me. I'm looking forward to some inspirational Saturday mornings in 2013!
(I promise not to be offended if you're not interested.)