Friday, July 8, 2016

Finding Flow


I've experienced it in my room. It has a magical, satisfying feel to it. I've also experienced what the untrained eye might believe is flow but is actually a classroom of compliant students who are simply on task. It's all a masquerade. So how we do convert those on-task moments into ones where students are completely engaged? This blog post below offers some wonderful suggestions. It's an inspiring read. 

So wait no further. 

Go find your flow.

Click on the graphic to read the post.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I liked his blog-that was a good read. By the way, thanks for always sharing the books you are reading. I just went to Miami from Phoenix (drove!) and read 5. Only one of them was not from your list. It was "The Kitchen House" by Kathleen Grissom. I highly suggest it. I think you'll like it.

    1. Ann, Thanks for the book recommendation. I've added it to my list. I hope you enjoyed the other 4 books too!

  2. I agree that being in the zone is a magical feeling. I'm glad you shared this article. I'm going to start being more aware of when that happens in the classroom and try and take note of the circumstances.

    1. Barb, I thought the same thing. I think awareness is key.

  3. You are so right!! Wow!! Thank you so much!

    1. Em, I'm glad I happened upon that post. He says it like it is.

  4. When I clicked to read the post the name looked familiar. He is a principal just down the road about 45-50 from me. :) Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Lori, I noticed he was from Missouri. What a small world. If he were that close to me, I think I'd want to pay his school a visit.
