Friday, July 15, 2016

Be a Gas Station

When I asked my first graders "Do you have big dreams for your teeth?" Josie took my question to heart. Months later, according to her dear mother, she was still fervently brushing and challenging her siblings to have big dreams for their teeth too. Some students are like that. They're naturally inclined to love everything about learning. I think just maybe I could teach those children with my eyes closed. Then there are the tough customers who occupy a space in my brain 24/7, because I constantly struggle to find a way to engage their hearts. 

One of my goals this year is to be a better gas station. Josie was intrinsically motivated and independent in her learning. I filled up her gas tank when needed and off she'd go again while I cheered her on from the sidelines. Being a gas station is rewarding for both teacher and student, and it's a whole lot easier than dragging children along like a tow truck would. Being a tow truck is an exhausting job. I'd venture to say that it isn't much fun for the student either. Not to mention, it simply doesn't work.  

I discovered this brilliant analogy on Kristine Mraz's kindergarten blog. Everything on this blog is brilliant. I challenge you to read her thoughts, and regardless of your grade level, tell me she didn't have something to offer you. Especially read the post below. It's too good to pass up. (Click on the graphic.)

Let's park our tow trucks and build some more gas stations. Our kids deserve it.


  1. Thanks, Tammy. I love this analogy, and you're right that the link is definitely worth looking at.
    It was a pleasure to learn from you at P20 this week.

    1. Jim, it was a pleasure to meet you! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a message too.

  2. You're right Tammy. That was a really good read. It's funny,too, cause just last night I was thinking of doing something in my room loosely along the same lines...but tied in with the principals of reiki.

    I love the gas station analogy too. It's very fitting.

    1. Barb, I'm unfamiliar with reiki. You've got me curious!

  3. I LOVE this! So true. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Miss Trayers, You're welcome. I can imagine you being a great gas station.

  4. Such a good analogy! Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Lori, you're welcome. I really think she's brilliant.

  5. I am so glad to have met this blog. I will be going through and reading more of her posts. It is so true. I want to be a gas station. My hope was that some of the small changes I was going to make this year would help with that. So this post came at a great time for me. Thank you for sharing. I am always learning so much from you.

    1. Em, she is so smart. I'm guessing that you'll love what she says. I feel like I need to read every word from her or I'll miss out on something important.
