Friday, March 30, 2012

My Guest Blogging Gig and An Elephant Sat on Me

(Forgive me.  This will be my second post today.  Technically it was supposed to show up on Saturday, but there's a bit of a time difference in Japan.  No worries right?)

Even though my spring break is slipping through my little fingers, I'm thrilled about this day.  For the first time ever, I'm a guest blogger!  (And there was much rejoicing.)  Natalie from Teacher Tidbits is traipsing through Japan and was sweet enough to let me say a few words on her blog while she's gone.  I would absolutely love for you to read those thoughts.  Click on the picture below to visit, and then please do come back to find out what this elephant business is all about.

I love to use music as a management tool.  There's this little song, which I did not invent, that we sing.  It's perfect for just that purpose.  (It's also perfect for phonemic awareness reasons.)  It goes like this...

It helps with management because I like to change the words to the song and sing about the kids who are doing what I've asked of them.  It's a great motivator, because I don't particularly enjoy singing about kids who are off-task.  The song might then go something like this:  "Willoughby Walloughby Wailey. An elephant sat on Hailey."  You get the idea, and kids do eat it up when their name ends up in the song. 

We have also turned it into a book, which is a rather typical move for us.

Here's a copy of the paper we use in case you were hoping I'd share.

Whether you're new to my blog or are a faithful reader, thanks for dropping by.  I relish every visit.


  1. Thanks Jennifer for your comment today and all the other days too!

  2. I love elephants and this is super cute! Excited to be a new follower! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac Blog

    1. Casey, I'm thrilled that you're a follower. Thank you for joining up with my little world. I'm looking forward to visiting your blog too.

  3. Loved reading your guest blog post. No doubt your classroom operates like one big happy family.

  4. Another cute, but authentic activity! Thank you for sharing the paper to go with it so I can do it my class too! Will work so well for phonemic awareness like you said.
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. You're very welcome Lori. Thanks for coming by again.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Heather. I appreciate that you dropped by.

  6. I love your posts, Tammy, because they are thoughtful and useful. Thanks!

    First Impressions

    1. Dee, that means a lot to me. Thoughtful and useful are big compliments to me and my little blog. Thanks.

  7. I remember that song!! I love it and it was so fun to sing. What a great idea...I think my kids would enjoy it and respond to it...hmmmmmmm...very inspirational


    1. Thank you Keri. I'm glad you think this idea just might be useful. That's always my hope. :)

  8. Love this! I used to do a Hickety Pickety Bumble Bee but this one is much cuter and love the book that goes with it!
    Would you guest blog for me sometime???? Maybe on Writing Workshop Wednesday???? Please???? I love your writing tips and ideas.

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

    1. Tammy - First off, thank you for coming by and reading. Secondly, SERIOUSLY?! You're asking me to blog for you? I'm floored and completely honored. I'd love to. (By the way, you've made my day.)

  9. I loved your guest post! What a great idea! I will have to do that next year. Thanks for sharing! I love using music for management too! I love this song but haven't used it this year. I will have to tomorrow.

    1. Thank you Heather. I'm glad you enjoyed these posts. I love that you stopped by and let me know.

  10. Tammy you have such a way with words!! I love the photo frame idea...just beautiful! Melissa

    1. Thank you Melissa. I feel like I have to work pretty hard with my words, so that's very sweet to hear you say.

  11. Tammy I love your photo frame idea!! It makes for such a warm and inviting classroom.

    I also tagged you.

    The Crazy Adventures of a University Graduate
    The Crazy Adventures of Two Quilters

    1. Thank you Amy. Thanks for coming by and tagging me too!

  12. We also use music for classroom management have never used this song but will now. Thanks for the book pattern I love to make books with my class. We have used Down By the Bay as one of our songs and then we can talk about real words and made up words for when you get rhymes like Aiden.

    1. Bonnie, thanks for coming by. Music is a great tool isn't it? I hope you enjoy using this song as much as I have.

  13. Hello There,
    I just wanted to see if you were currently interested in additional guest bloggers for your blog site.
    I see that you've accepted some guest posters in the past - are there any specific guidelines you need me to follow while making submissions?
    If you're open to submissions, whom would I need to send them to?
    I'm eager to send some contributions to your blog and think that I can cover some interesting topics.
    Thanks for your time,
