Friday, February 6, 2015

January = Reading

It's time to share the books I hung out with in January.  I really loved a few of these.  I think you would too.  Read on teachers!

I read this in a day. I seriously couldn't put it down.  LOVE!

This one was okay.

I enjoyed this one a lot.  It was a perfect mix of historical and present-day fiction.  

Being an introvert, it was interesting to read about myself.

I love anything Regie writes.  She is at the top of my teachery list any day.

Here's to another month of great reading.  I'm currently twenty pages from the end of a book I haven't enjoyed.  Boy am I ready for a good read.


  1. I keep seeing Jojo Moyes everywhere on the internet highly recommended. I will have to read one of her books one of these days!

    1. Susanna, I also read her book, "One Plus One" and loved it as well. I'd highly recommend her!

  2. We definitely have different tastes when it comes to books! :) I LOVED Tell the Wolves I'm Home. Have you read Girl on a Train yet? Something about the ending bothered me, but otherwise I thought it was interesting, very Gone Girl-esque.

    1. Miss Trayers, ha that's funny how we have different tastes! No, I haven't read Girl on a Train. If you like it, does that mean I won't? :)

    2. Maybe that's true. Let's see if I can think of some I hated for you! :)

    3. A friend at church told me about Girl on a Train this morning. It's on my list now. I'll let you know what I think! :)

  3. I read "Me Before You" in a day, too. Although, I have to be honest and fess up that I read ahead about half-way through the book. I know, I know. People hate it when I tell them that. But it was a Sunday and I had lesson plans to write! When I found out what happened, I just couldn't go back and pick up where I left off. It was too disappointing. I felt like a part of their lives and then... What a good book that can make you feel like a part of it.

    1. Ann, oh you missed some great parts! I don't blame you for not wanting to go back though.

  4. Well, as I am sure you have guessed, I haven't read any of these! You amaze me at how many books you get through!
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. Lori, this is what happens when you don't mind not having a life. :)
