Monday, June 16, 2014

What's Under Your Cape?

I just finished my first teachery book of the summer, and I must say I picked a great one to start things off with.  My blogging friend, Barbara, just released her book What's Under Your Cape?  It's based on the principles of character that she lives out and teaches as a counselor at an elementary school in Texas.  I love the idea that character is a super power and our students are superheroes when they not only know about character but show it in all the many facets she so skillfully explains.  

Children are naturally drawn to superheroes in their make-believe worlds.  Why not draw on that interest to teach what real-live superheroes are like?  Not to mention the fact, and this is the point of the book, they can be superheroes too.  Barbara addresses the characteristics of a superhero and provides many practical and engaging ways to teach and instill those qualities in our students.  I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in teaching not only to the head, but to the heart.  

Click on the book to order your own copy at Amazon.  You can also find it online at Barnes & Noble.

Click on the above graphic to visit Barbara's blog.  It's a wonderful thing.

Thank you Barbara for sharing your love for kids and character.  I feel like my toolbox for finding and bringing out the greatness in my students is overflowing after reading your book.  I'm a better teacher because of you.

Thank you Deanna Jump for the linky.


  1. I just headed over to follow Barbara's blog. Looking forward to finding out more about her and the book!


    1. Crystal, you'll be glad you did. She has much to offer.

  2. What a great title! And a great tie in to super heros. Something I'm going to have to check out! Sara

    1. Sara, I totally agree. She's on to something!

  3. Look at what I stumbled on ... a SUPER sweet shout out from one of my SUPERHEROES! Thank you, Tammy, for your kind words of affirmation. I am glad that you found some nuggets that you can use to help your already blessed school family soar to higher heights (if that's even possible??)!!


    1. Barbara, you're very welcome. I'm honored to spread the word about you and your message!

  4. I will definitely check this book out! How exciting for your friend as well. :)
    Miss King's Enchanted Kingdom

    1. Miss King, I'm glad you will. It's a great book!

  5. Sounds like Barbara has written a wonderful book! That is exciting for her! Thanks for sharing it!
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. Lori, she has definitely written a wonderful book. I'm happy to tell everyone about it.

  6. I just put this book in my cart! I do don a cape and wig a couple times a year and call myself "Super Reader"!

    1. Jenny, I can totally see you doing that. :) You'll love the book.
