Monday, November 4, 2013

Graphing Our Year

I don't have a data or graph unit per se.  Several years ago, Math Their Way taught me to simply make it part of my weekly ritual.  In other words, my goal is to make a graph a week.  Honestly, I've had a hard time keeping that up throughout the years, but one of my goals this year is to do a better job of that.  My graphs aren't fancy.  They aren't cutesy.  I just don't get much joy in spending a lot of my time preparing them.  They are relevant though.  They fit into whatever we're doing that week and go up on the wall as we make them.  Here's a view of what we've accomplished so far.

When my wall space fills up, I replace older ones as newer ones are made.  Then I keep them in a safe place so that at the end of the year they can go home as souvenirs.  Graphing our year basically means that learning about and interpreting data from graphs seems like a piece of cake.


  1. I love that your graphs are real and not too "cutesy" I love graphs and everything we can "get" from them!

    1. Tammy, thank you for liking my non-cutsey graphs! :)

  2. We make lots of graphs too but I never thought of saving them and sending them home. Thanks for the good idea!

    1. Barb, you're very welcome. I'm not sure the parents love it, but the kids do.

  3. You have a great variety of graphs on your wall! It looks to me that you are keeping up just fine! :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  4. We are required to have graphing data, ongoing, in our classrooms. You've given me some great ideas! We are currently graphing homework completion (a BIG deal in the district, even in K), and if spiders would make good pets. We also did favorite colors and number of letters in our names. :-)

    I think I'm supposed to be graphing attendance, too. Hmmm....
    (PS: thanks for stopping by and leaving comments--you ALWAYS brighten my day!)

    1. Chrissy, your district requires lots of things it sounds like. :)

  5. This summer, I planned lots of graphs, but I must admit, I am not as tenacious as you! Thanks for revving my enthusiasm back up. Great job!

  6. Do you have a smart board? There are some graphing sites - I can send you links - I show them on the smart board and they do their choosing by touching. Then I do a screen capture and print them. Haven't done it much, but an idea.

    1. Sara, I do have a smartboard. Sounds like an interesting way to tie in technology with graphing!
