Monday, October 21, 2013

Calendar Make-Over

My calendar has taken on a new look this year, and even though I'm still getting the hang of it, I like where it's going.  

We're keeping track of days with ten frames.  I totally swiped the idea from Leslie at Kindergarten Works.  Take a look at her version here.  It's been a brilliant change for us.  Learning about ten frames has been so natural this way.  I've hardly had to teach the idea.  I also love the way they're beginning to understand the place value concept.  So many of them can already tell me what that 3 means in the 35.  They can describe the 3 complete ten frames as well as come up and show me.  They can do the same for the 5.  The ten frames provide such a great natural visual.  Thank you Leslie!

Instead of the typical monthly calendar that goes up at the beginning of the month and down at the end, I've got the whole year on the wall.  This idea came from Mardelle at Weeds in the Garden.  You need to read her post here.  It made me think about how to use the calendar in a more authentic way that matters to kids and their lives.  I admit, I'm still finding my way, which is why you need to read her thoughts on how she pulls it off.

So go see Leslie and Mardelle.  I'm guessing you'll find some inspiration too!


  1. Wow, I had the same idea to use teen frames instead of making a number line. Mine was out of necessity, I didn't have any place to put the number ine. I'll definitely go read about putting a whole years worth of calendars up too. ;)
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

    1. Kelly, smart of you. I wouldn't have thought of it on my own. :)

  2. Love ten frames! One of my teaching colleagues is now using them for her behavior management with kindergarten kids. They have to earn 40 stickers as a class for a whole group reward. She has hem organized in ten frames and it is amazing how much these little kids have learned about number. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Tara, the ten frame seems to make so much sense in so many levels for kids.

  3. I like how you are using the ten frames in calendar time! Great way to keep track of the days while learning place value at the same time!
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. Lori, it seems to make sense to them, so I'm happy about it!

  4. Love the 10 frames. We may switch to the ten frames after Christmas.
    Teachin' First

  5. Thanks Tammy! I hadn't seen these ideas and I love them both!


    1. Crystal, they're worth looking into for sure.

  6. Love the ten frame idea! I have been using base ten blocks this year for the days in school. I love them so much better that the straw bundle idea but ten frames would be such a powerful addition! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Thank you. I think they would be a powerful addition too.

  7. Have you heard for Number Corner? Its something our district has purchased for us to use during calendar time. It is quite involved but really helps kiddos make connections with their learning since it is a daily part our room.

    1. Leigh Anne, no I haven't heard of Number Corner. Sounds interesting.
