Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday Sayings: Inspire

(Click above to see more Saturday Sayings.)

I picked up my class list on Thursday.  I've already written down those 24 names about 5 times, with countless more to follow during the next 9 months.  I can't picture most of their faces, and I'm unfamiliar with their little personalities.  I don't even know what strengths or weaknesses to expect, but as the letters of their names find themselves coming from the various tools in hand, I feel the great privilege as well as the enormous responsibility of becoming their first grade teacher.  The voices of the parents in Regie's quote resound loudly in my heart.  

Yesterday my new principal gathered us together for the first time and posted this question on the wall: "What is the purpose of our school?"  My mind could have gone a million directions, but I instantly knew my answer.  
That's what I wrote, and that's even how I wrote it, font and all.  Today I choose to assume that my 24 little ones are all coming to me eager to read, write, and learn.  My purpose is to inspire them.  If I do, then I can only hope that in 9 months they'll return to their parents in the same condition or is it too much to hope for - in better condition.


  1. Made me weepy. Nicely done, my dear.

  2. Great thoughts as we begin this new school year! I can't imagine that your students would be anything but inspired by you!
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. Lori, I have my uninspiring moments, but I do hope to always learn how to be better at inspiring.

  3. Hi Tammy. Popping in to check out your Saturday Saying, and of course, you did not disappoint. :-)

    We made it through the first two days! On Friday, I launched Read to Self with the two 3 minute practice sessions. I was pleased with how it went!

    I love your "call me" and the frame you made too. They look great!

    Teaching Little Miracles

    1. Crystal, thanks for coming by again. I'm glad to hear that the launching is going well so far. The little baby steps really do work well. Good luck!

  4. So beautiful- and what a great question for your principal to ask. I am sure that your littles will leave you inspired and ready to face new challenges!
    Light A Fire in Third

    1. Julie, thanks for the encouraging words. I enjoyed that question too. It inspired me. :)

  5. I'm teary too...thank you for inspiring me.

    1. Thanks LoriJ. You're very sweet and inspiring to me as well.

  6. There's no doubt in my mind that you will inspire your kids each and every day:)

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  7. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful site! I will come back for more great ideas! Can you tell me what font you use for 'Saturday Sayings' and your Hello Book? Thank you so much!

    1. Heather, thanks for coming by. "Saturday Sayings" is DJ Dude. My Hello book is DJ Bumble.
