Friday, May 4, 2012

Teary-Eyed Mothers

I'm not sure I would make a great mother.  You see, I remember the muddy brown clumpy clay creation I made for my mom for Mother's Day when I was in elementary school.  I seriously doubt it fit into her decor, but if I remember correctly, she allowed it to hold some of her rings and such.  I don't think I could pull that off.  Mothers are indeed a rare breed.  Well, about five years ago I came up with a Mother's Day gift that even I would display in my own home if I had children.  Here's an example.

Poetry is one of my favorite genres to teach.  Young poets amaze me.  I think they amaze their mothers too and possibly even make them cry.  Here's how it all started.  We spent three days of our poetry unit secretly writing Mother's Day poems.  Then I chose a few from each child's collection that I felt were the cream of the crop.  Each poet then picked their favorite.  After some typing, fancying, and Dollar Store framing, they are soon to be in the hands of some teary-eyed mothers who will proudly display them in their homes for many years to come.  (I'm a little proud too I suppose, which is why I've included so many of them here.  I had a hard time narrowing it down.  If you're a mother, you probably won't mind reading every single one.)

Happy Mother's Day Mom.  You have a way of loving everything I do, even something as uncomely as that brown lumpy creation all those years ago.  "Her children rise up and call her blessed."  Love you Mom.


  1. These are incredible!!! Thanks for sharing them. How fun. Those moms are in for a TrEaT!

    1. Thank you Barbara. I certainly do hope these moms feel special!

  2. I am completely impressed with the writing you get out of your little ones! These are wonderful examples of what students can do!
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. Lori, at times I feel like I've still got a lot to learn about teaching poetry, but I'm impressed with what little ones can do. So much of the time, it's the adults who hold them back. I'm getting the hang of it.

  3. Wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Absolutely love it.


    1. Thanks Kelli for coming by and leaving a note. I've been wondering how things are going over yonder!

    2. Things are going well in married life. London is not too cold, which makes me happy. Finding work is proving to be difficult, which I didn't expect because I've lived and worked here before (twice). I know God has a perfect plan, the uncertainty is just challenging sometimes.

      I love your posts.


    3. Kelli, I read about your troubles with finding a job today on your blog. (There was a post called "'ello govna" that I couldn't open though. I tried several times. I'm not sure what's up with that.) God is sure to lead your feet to just the right job. I can't wait to hear all about it! (I'm so glad you enjoy my posts!)

  4. LOVE! What a great gift...I'd definitely hang that on the wall if one of my kids brought it home (along with the clumpy clay creations i've received:)


    1. Keri, thanks for coming by. Sounds like you're an example of a wonderful mom!

  5. I love this! I am going to keep it in my idea folder for next year. Thanks.

    First in Maine

    1. Kimberley, I'm very honored that you'd like to try this out next year. In twelve months you can let me know how it goes. :)

  6. I love these! Too sweet. (I'm trying to figure out who wrote what.)

    1. Paige, if you click on the picture you can see the author's name. I just wish I'd been teaching poetry when Blake was in my class. He would have written you the sweetest poem.

  7. Tammy, You are right, I am all teared up. I would have loved and treasured the poem from my kids. I am going to give your idea a try this week. We just finished a poetry unit, and I had been contemplating how to have the kids write a poem for their moms. Now I am headed to Dollar Tree to grab some frames. Thanks for the great idea and visiting my blog often. You're AWESOME!
    Classroom Companion

    1. Sandra, let me know how the poems turn out. No doubt some mothers will absolutely adore them. Thanks for coming by!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Barbara. I think some mothers will as well. Thanks for coming by and taking the time to read them.

  9. I loved my Mother's Day gift! Thank you Tammy and Garrett! It was perfect and looks fabulous on my bookshelf!

    1. Lisa, I'm so glad that you loved it. I was hoping it would be something that you'd want to display pretty much forever!
